Every Drop I Take, The What Behind Newborn State Screening.
Eva Blight will be speaking on the details of the newborn screening test along with factors that can influence the results. Eva has over 40 years of nursing experience and has worn many hats. Currently, she works as neonatal/pediatric nurse practitioner in Tyler, TX and is faculty at the UT Tyler School of Nursing. I can’t wait to hear her speak!
If you are interested in joining us, register now. I hope to see you soon!
Registration for the 2022 Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB) Virtual Summit is now open! The theme of this year’s summit is “Addressing Patient-Centered Care in QI Work.”
The virtual summit will take place February 17-18, 2022.
This year hosts a variety of exciting events and speakers. Our keynote speaker for the 2022 TCHMB Summit is the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Perinatal Quality Improvement (PQI), Dr. Debra Bingham. Dr. Bingham will address some of the urgent issues that mothers and babies currently face.
In advance of the summit, TCHMB will host the Neonatal Evaluation and Outcomes Network (NEON) meeting on February 16, 2022. The theme for this year’s NEON meeting will be “Transition to School.”
A total of 14 continuing education credits for CME, CNE, CHES, CPH, LPC, SW and Certificate of Attendance and 7.75 ethics credits will be provided for participation in both the NEON meeting and TCHMB Summit. For more information regarding continuing education credits, visit the TCHMB Summit webpage.
Event topic: Have a “Mamma Natalie” and don’t know what to do with it? Come learn how to develop a simulation scenario, use your low fidelity model, and debrief your team.
Presented by: Kristin L. Scheffer, MSN, RN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Event topic: Have a “Mamma Natalie” and don’t know what to do with it? Come learn how to develop a simulation scenario, use your low fidelity model, and debrief your team.
Presented by: Kristin L. Scheffer, MSN, RN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Join us as we focus on learning the latest and greatest evidence based practices. This year’s conference is geared towards “Pearls of Knowledge….What’s in Your Toolkit”. This year we are offering both a virtual and in-person experience. It’s been a while and we would love to see you!!! But for those who are not quite ready to get out or maybe can’t get off of work, we’ve got you covered too. The Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio, Texas will be hosting us next year, so bring your families with you to come and enjoy this awesome facility. Conference dates are May 19-21st with pre-cons on Thursday and regular sessions on Friday and Saturday. We have lots of great topics and speakers waiting to make sure we are well equipped with the latest and greatest knowledge.